How a change of season can affect your mood and behaviour
You may find your mood fluctuating with the seasons and there's a good reason for this. Find out why a change of season can affect your mood and behaviour.
You may find your mood fluctuating with the seasons and there's a good reason for this. Find out why a change of season can affect your mood and behaviour.
As much as we all look forward to summer, we tend to forget just how hot it can get. Air conditioning is the answer to staying cool this summer.
Heat pumps bring year-round comfort but need a little TLC to perform at their best. Find out why professional heat pump servicing will benefit you.
The state of your heat pump's filters affect the overall performance of the appliance. Find out why you should clean heat pump filters regularly.
As more and more Kiwi families are affected by dampness and mould in their home, the problem is becoming too big to ignore. Read on to learn more.
It’s time to invest in a heat pump to keep your family warm for Winter, but how do you know which one to buy – check the energy rating label.
Heat pumps reduce moisture and condensation, improve air quality, are warm, dry, comfortable, and excellent for your health. - all this at a touch of a button.
Winter is definitely on its way and now is the time to think about installing a heat pump - the most popular choice of heating for Kiwis.